Dear students,
please find below information about the accommodation at the STU student dormitories as well as home isolation at the STU facility Gabčíkovo which applies to students coming from the high risk countries (“red zone”) according to the Public Health Authority of the Slovak Republic.
We would also like to inform you about the change of the Welcome Day from the physical to online form due to the prevention of the spread of potential transmitted diseases. The date and time remains the same 16 September 2020 at 9:30. It will be done through the application GoToMeeting. You can log in through this link https://global.gotomeeting.
Please log in a few minutes before so we can start on time. Thank you!
Please be aware that you must have your mouth and nose covered in all the indoor places as well as in the public transport in Slovakia (buses, trams, trains). It is advised to avoid big events with high concentration of people, keep your distance and maintain the respiratory and hand hygiene.
Thank you very much for your cooperation. Stay safe and well.
We are looking forward to seeing you study at the Slovak University of Technology.