Inovácie, transfer technológií, podpora vytvárania startupových a spin-off spoločností a súčinnosť fakúlt boli témy návštevy delegácie Slovenskej technickej univerzity na Islandskej univerzite (UI). Rámcoval ju medzinárodný projekt REX-RMA s cieľom zvýšiť kompetencie projektových manažérov a administrátorov, na ktorom STU spolupracuje práve s týmto islandským partnerom.
The STU delegation was led by Maximilián Strémy, the STU Vice-Rector for strategic projects, development, innovation and practice, and its members included Peter Cuninka, director of the STU Project Centre, Vladimír Kutiš, the STU FEI Dean and several leaders of the University workplaces.
"At a personal meeting, Jón Atli Benediktsson, Rector of the University of Iceland and I agreed on establishing closer contacts between the STU and UI Faculties, closer cooperation within the joint research and educational projects activities, as well as students and researchers’ mobility," said Maximilián Strémy, the STU Vice-Rector.
The STU delegation spent most of the time at the UI in the University Science Park, discussing innovation, technology transfer, support for the start-up and spin-off companies, cooperation in technical areas and opportunities to share best practices.
The visit of the University of Iceland staff to the STU in the beginning of October will include a workshop for project managers and administrators, as well as mobility to Iceland. The output of the Project will be a joint conference at STU in March 2024, focused on project managers and administrators along with technology transfer and innovations.
During the first week of the visit to Iceland, the STU delegation was invited to Taekniksetur, a representative of the innovation hub and the owner of the research infrastructure, and also to the University of Reyjkavík, a close partner of UI.