On 02 February 2016, Prof. R. Redhammer, the STU Rector, along with doc. Š. Stanko, the STU Vice-Rector, Prof. M. Oravec, Dean of FEI, and Dr. M. Drozd, the FEI Vice-Dean received a Cuban delegation led by Mr. Oberto Santin Caceres, the Secretary of State of the Ministery of High Education. Other members of the delegation were Mr. Mario Ares Manuel Sánchez, Director of Exports of the Ministry of High Education, Ms. Yamila Fernández del Busto, Director General of Ministry of Foreign Trade and Investment, Ms. Emma Liens Morejón, expert in the Division of Europe in the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Investment and Ms. K. Bárányová, a representative of the Slovak Republic Ministry of Science, Research, Education and Sport. Discussed were the issues of future cooperation within the framework of bilateral agreements between the Slovak Republic and Cuba. The Cuban Ministry of Education has a strong interest in cooperation with the Slovak University of Technology in the fields of education, science, research and mobility of students and experts. We believe that the bilateral agreement resulting from the official visit will also bring new funding opportunities essential for such cooperation.
A visit to STU was part of the official visit of the Cuban delegation to Slovakia under the auspices of the Slovak Republic Ministry of Science, Research, Education and Sport.